The program comes as a DOS executable file (autotet.exe) which can be loaded onto the hard drive or run directly from a floppy disk. AUTOTET will automatically determine the number of individuals and loci in the input file, so there is minimal formatting input required.
Input Data File:
1) The data should be in ASCII text format, with individuals as rows, and loci as columns. Columns must be separated by at least one space or tab.
2) The first row should consist of 4 character labels for the loci (each label should be separated by at least one space or tab).
3) Each data row is to consist of 4 allele (coded as alphabetic characters) genotypes for each locus. Missing data must be coded as ....; this includes any individual for which there are less than 4 alleles at a locus.
Running the Program:
1) A sample data file (sample.txt) is also included on the disk.
2) To run the program, simply type autotet at the DOS prompt. AUTOTET first asks for an input file name (assumes DOS restrictions on file name lengths, i.e. an 8 character name plus the 3 character extension). Note that it is necessary for the input file to reside in the same directory as AUTOTET.
3) AUTOTET then asks whether is to be user-defined in calculations assuming chromatid segregation. If y is entered, then the user is prompted for a value, otherwise the default value of =0.143 (=1/7) (maximum double reduction) is used.
3) AUTOTET will next ask for an output filename. This is where results will be sent, and this file will also appear in the same directory as the input file and the program.
Disclaimer of Responsibility:
CSIRO does not warrant or make any representation regarding the use of, or the results of the use of, the software referred to as AUTOTET. In particular CSIRO does not warrant or represent that any of the results will be correct, accurate or reliable. The user relies on those results at his own risk.