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Summer Scholarships

The Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research is a collaborative link between CSIRO Plant Industry and the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, which aims to promote the study, documentation and conservation of Australia’s botanical heritage. The research interests of staff in the Centre range widely across many aspects of the phylogeny and systematics of Australia’s flora, its utilisation, and its conservation particularly in the face of habitat fragmentation and natural and threatening processes such as fire, disease and invasive weeds.

To promote the Centre’s aims and foster the development of interest in these areas of research, the Centre offers scholarships over summer, December-January.

The scholarship usually runs for a 10 week period from early December to early February. During that time, successful applicant will be expected to undertake full-time work on the project, present a short seminar and write a two page report for the Centre website. The scholarship is open for competition among students completing their second or third year of study in an appropriate discipline at an Australian university. Remuneration is at a rate of ~$550 per week. Income tax is payable on this stipend.

Project details are announced about August each year.

Applications should include a statement of your research interests and future goals, curriculum vitae, and an official academic record (this must be certified by your university). It is important that all these documents are provided to ensure your application is fully assessed. It is essential for you to nominate your order of preference for consideration of the projects.

For more information or to apply for a CPBR Summer Studentship go to the website:



PowerPoint PDFs of two student projects carried out in Dec 2008 - Feb 2009:

Does genetic delineation exist between Eastern Australian Helmet orchids?
Aiden Varan [2,088 KB]

Population genetics of the invasive honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) using AFLP’s: A comparison between native and invasive ranges.
Steve Chivers [1,624 KB]

[previous Summer Scholarship reports]


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