Caption: Clematis . A-C , C. glycinoides . A , branch with inflorescence; B , male flower; C , anther (A-C , H.Eichler 20903, CANB). D-F , C. clitorioides . D , branch with inflorescence; E , anther (D-E , N.Burbidge 2944, CANB); F , leaf with dentate leaflets (H.Eichler 16797, CANB). G-H , C. pubescens . G , leaf; H , anther (G-H , K.Paijmans 3646, CANB). I-K , C. pickeringii . I , male flower; J , anther (I-J , W.Jones s.n. , CANB); K , nutlet (without awn) (R.Fox 2512, CANB).Illustrators: D.Boyer.
Flora of Australia Volume 2 (2007) figure 56.