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Australian Plant Image Index
Australian National Botanic Gardens
Australian National Herbarium

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APII jpeg image of Acacia fimbriata,<br/>Acacia ingramii,<br/>Acacia neriifolia,<br/>Acacia pustula  © contact APII©

Acacia fimbriata,
Acacia ingramii,
Acacia neriifolia,
Acacia pustula

Photographer: see Illustrator
Copyright holder: Other, see our image use page for details
Date Taken: 09 July 2001
Taken at:
Image Source: Australian Plant Image Index (APII) - Photo No.: foa.18

A-F . Acacia pustula . A , flowering branchlet; B , sterile branchlet; C-D , phyllode variation; E , pod; F , seed (A , N.Michael 2977, BRI; B , D , R.Johnson 841, BRI; C , R.Cumming 3141, PERTH; E-F , T.Bancroft, Nov. 1921, MEL). G-H . Acacia ingramii . G , flowering branchlet; H , pod (G , R.Coveny 5665 & N.Lander, PERTH; H , J.Williams, 29 Feb. 1978, NSW). I-N . Acacia fimbriata . I , flowering branchlet; J , phyllode; K , branch hairs; L , flower head; M , pod; N , seed (I , R.Cumming 3102, PERTH; J , S.Clark et al. 1818, PERTH; K-L , E.Constable 7082, PERTH; M-N , M.Tindale, 4 Jan. 1969, PERTH). O-S . Acacia neriifolia . O , flowering branchlet; P-Q , phyllode variation; R , phyllode (Toowoomba variant); S , pod (O , M.Ballingall 1522, PERTH; P , E.Cheel, 18 July 1926, NSW; Q , V.Hando 167, BRI; R , P.Sharpe 00130, BRI; S , J.Boorman, Jan. 1911, NSW).

Illustrators: A-J, M-S M.Pieroni. K, L B.Maslin.

Flora of Australia Volume 11a (2001) figure 25.

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