Caption: A, B, Fruiting plants. C, Perigonial plant. D, E, Stem leaves. F, G, Perichaetial leaves. H, Cells of leaf apex. I, Cells of upper part of vaginant lamina. J, Cells of proximal part of vaginant lamina. K?M, Cells of proximal part of dorsal lamina. N, Section of leaf through apical lamina. O?Q, Sections of leaf near apex of vaginant lamina (O), through dorsal and vaginant laminae (P), and near base of leaf (Q). R, S, Stem sections including axillary hyaline nodules and with (S) stem leaf attached. T, Exothecial cells from mid-capsule. [syn: Fissidens terrae-reginae (holotype)]Illustrators: R.D. Seppelt
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