Caption: A, sterile gametophyte. B, stem apex (enlarged) see below. C, gametophyte and sporophytes. D, capsule showing peristome. E, perichaetial leaves, seta and capsule. F, capsule with operculum. G, spores. H, leaves. I, apical leaf cells. J, mid-laminal cells. K, alar region. L, exothecial cells. M, peristome: endostome, basal membrane with segment (left), exostome tooth (right) (A, W.B.Schofield 19062 NSW; B?M, A.V.Ratkowsky H432 HO). Scales: 2 mm for stem apex (b), 1 mm for habit, leaves, capsules; 50 ?m for spores; 100 mm for cellular drawings including peristome.
Reproduced from H.P.Ramsay, W.B.Schofield & B.C.Tan, The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 92: 44, fig. 22 (2002). Illustrators: L. Eklan & H.P. Ramsay
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