Swainsona monticola
Swainsona monticola A.Cunn. ex Benth.
Bentham, G. (1864), Flora Australiensis 2: 223
"N.S. Wales. Blue Mountains, A. Cunningham and others;
Nangas, McArthur; Cow pastures, R.Brown (not in fruit); ridgy
ground between Curacan and Canowmdra, C. Moore."
COMMENT: Bentham refers to A.Gray, Bot.
Amer. Explor. Exped. 1 (1854) 411 but no description is
given therein.
Lee, A.T. (1939) Contributions from the New South Wales
National Herbarium 1: 131-271 (249-250)
Lee, A.T. (1948) The genus Swainsona. Contributions from the
New South Wales National Herbarium 1(4): 249
LECTO: ""Blue Mountains A. C(unningham)";
Thompson, J. (1993) A revision of the genus Swainsona
(Fabaceae). Telopea 5(3): 503