Daviesia physodes
Daviesia physodes A.Cunn. ex G.Don
Don, G. in Don, G. (1832), A General History of
Dichlamydeous Plants 2: 125
"Native of New Holland."
Crisp, M.D. (1984) Notes on Daviesia and Jacksonia
(Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) for the Flora of the Perth
Region. Nuytsia 5(1): 167
LECTO: "Swan River, A. Cunningham (lecto,
here designated: G, photo CBG; isolecto: E, FI-W, ?K, OXF,
photos CBG)"
Crisp, M.D. (1995) Contributions Toward a Revision of Daviesia
(Fabaceae: Mirbelieae). III. A Synopsis of the Genus.
Australian Systematic Botany 8(6): 1221