An Australian Government Initiative
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Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria
Australian National Herbarium

Biographical Notes

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Source: Extracted from: Holliday, I.G. and Hill, R.(1975) 'Plants of the Flinders Ranges' Rigby, Adelaide, SA.
Russell, L.L. (1974) 'In Memory of Ron Hill, SA SGAP Journal July 1974, p.147; Thekla Reichstein pers. com. 6/2/2017.
Portrait Photos: 1962, Extracted from B&W prints held by the Botanic Gardens of South Australia and State Herbarium, with permission.
(the lower photo can be enlarged by clicking on it) ,


Collecting localities for 'Hill, R. (in SA Herb.)' from AVH (2025)

Data from 1,841 specimens

collecting locality map for 'Hill, R. (in SA Herb.)'

Australian National Herbarium - updated 7 February, 2025 by webmaster (